Delightful & Delicious

Flour. Water. Salt. Time. Temperature. Love.

What is bread but a few simple ingredients? And yet, it can be so much more.

Homemade sourdough bread is to be enjoyed in the present. It’s not meant to last. Toasted up with butter and bit a jam, enjoyed alone or with others, it’s deliciousness inspires delight.

Sharing my homemade bread with the people I love has become a newfound joy. I’m eager to share a bit of delight with others.

Instructions for living a life:
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.

Mary Oliver, Sometimes

Follow the journey.




About Jenn

I started my sourdough journey December 2023 when a friend offered me a few ounces of their starter.

I’d always been intrigued and thought: as the world around me feels increasingly complex, there’s no better time to try my hand at homemade bread.

I’ve been amazed by its simplicity and resilience. And with patience, how quickly I could make something quite delicious.

This is a passion project, not a side hustle.

I find joy in trying new methods and testing boundaries.

I give myself lots of room to fail. And I love sharing when beauty emerges.

If you’re lucky and local, you might just end up on my bread list!